
Minutes: Ordinary meeting 7th June 2022

Minutes Uploaded on December 29, 2022

7th June 2022
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on
Tuesday 7th June 2022
Democratic Period: 5 Members of the public present.
1. Attendance
Present: Chairman, M. Rowley (MR); C Hartwright (CH); E. Holding (EH); S. Pearson (SP); R. Grimer (RG); M. Leci (ML); M Doolin (MD)
Apologies: West Mercia Police
In Attendance: J. Hill (Clerk)
2. Declarations of Interest
Declaration of Interests: none
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda: none
Declaration of Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda: none
3. There were no written requests for the Council to grant a dispensation under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
4. Minutes
Proposal: Members unanimously resolved (MR/SP) to adopt the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th April 2022
Proposal: Members resolved (MR/MD) to adopt the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th May 2022
Proposal: Members resolved (MR/MD) to adopt the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th May 2022.
5. Report from Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Councillor
No report had been received.
6. Report from Margaret Rowley, Wychavon District Councillor
See published report, to be recorded as an addendum to the Minutes.
7. Reports by Councillors
a) Neighbourhood Watch: ML informed Members that a new group had been formed and 2 residents had volunteered to co-ordinate the group. Meeting with PCSO following week to consider Smart Water
b) Community Speed Watch: MR informed Members that the group had held 7 sessions; 1926 vehicles had been monitored with 52 vehicles exceeding the speed limit with the highest speed recorded being 41mph
c) Tibberton Community Land Trust: RG nothing to report as TCLT had not held a meeting. MR informed Members that the Platinum Jubilee Group, affiliated to TCLT, had provided 4 days of events which had gone very well. Chair to send a letter of acknowledgement to the group
d) County Association of Local Councils: MR updated Members re CALC website.
8. Report from the local police officer
Members noted the report that Police Officers had recently met with Tibberton Community Speed Watch.
9. Report from the Chairman of the Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting was not well attended, 2 parish Cllrs and 6 members of the public.
Parish Council Chairman’s report outlined the main business TPC had been engaged in over the previous 12 months.
The Police had submitted a report referencing 10/4/22 motor vehicle interference at Vardroe Way; theft 14/5/22 Plough Road of a clubman trailer; 2 race cars stolen.
Reports were received from Community Speed Watch; Public Rights of Way; Tibberton Parish Hall; District Councillor; Tibberton Community Land Trust. No County Council report was received.
10. Membership of Worcester County Association of Local Councils
Members unanimously resolved (MR/SP) to renew Tibberton Parish Council’s membership and to approve payment of the annual subscription.
11. Planning
a) Application Number: W/22/00854/HP Location: 8 Hillside, Plough Road, Tibberton, Droitwich Spa, WR9 7NL Description of Proposal: Proposed single storey front porch and wc extension Applicant: S. Taylor. Members resolved (SP/ML)) to support the application
b) Members resolved (MR/MD) that a group be formed to investigate the practicalities of completing a neighbourhood plan.
12. Highways and Byways
a) Lengthsman: Clerk reported the Lengthsman had cleared the footway alongside the telephone kiosk
b) Public Rights of Way: RG reported that he had informed WCC re damaged nuts and bolts on the gate behind The Plough.
13. Legal Advice – Tibberton Parish Hall
i. Members noted the Clerk’s report re advice received from Tibberton Parish Council’s legal representative in relation to the draft deed drawn up by the Diocesan Registrar: matters concerning Tibberton Parish Hall and the Parochial Parish Council.
ii. Members unanimously (EH/MD) resolved that Tibberton Parish Council having noted its legal representative’s advice, and after due consideration, has determined that as Custodial Trustee it has no knowledge of any other deed, lease or conveyance which might be additional to the 1966 Charity Commission Scheme which might therefore also require to be released / rescinded.
iii. Members unanimously (SP/ML) resolved that after due consideration of the advice received from its legal representative in i) above, and the resolution of the proposal at ii) above, Tibberton Parish Council is content that the draft deed be approved.
iv. Members unanimously (ML/EH) resolved that Cllr S Pearson should serve as a second signatory, alongside the Chairman, to sign the deed of release once it had been endorsed.
14. Legal Advice – Tibberton Village Hall
I. Members resolved (SP/EH) that Tibberton Parish Council authorises the Clerk to instruct its legal representative in relation to a draft lease for the Tibberton Village Hall once all matters pertaining to item 13, Tibberton Parish Hall, have been resolved
II. Members resolved (SP/EH) that Tibberton Parish Council authorise the Clerk to obtain indemnified confirmation from the VAT consultant that the terminology used in, and the requirements of, the draft lease, do not contravene any HMRC regulations which might require re-payment of the VAT re-claimed by Tibberton Parish Council in relation to the capital build costs of Tibberton Village Hall.
15. Documentation Review
In response to the general demeanour and manner in which the Chairman was conducting the meeting Cllr C. Hartwright stood and stated he was appalled and in the current circumstances would no longer contribute to the meeting. Having submitted his apologies to Council, Cllr Hartwright left the meeting.
The Chair abandoned the agenda item and moved on with the remaining business on the agenda.
16. Opening of a new bank account
Tibberton Parish Council deferred this item to a future meeting to so that all Members have the opportunity to consider the terms and conditions imposed by Unity Bank when opening a new account (documentation circulated by Cllr Leci).
17. Update on Matters Outstanding
i. White gates: Members noted ML’s report that he had sourced 3 quotations; that County Councillor Baylis had offered to fund the gates; an application for funding could be submitted to the Police and Crime Commissioner
ii. Website: RG reported that no progress had been made in relation to the website but that he and MD intended to meet to discuss requirements.
18. Correspondence and other matters for consideration and information
None received between publication of this agenda and the meeting.
19. Items for inclusion on a future agenda
Grievance; new bank account; website; telephone kiosk; regulatory documentation review; white gates.
20. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of Tibberton Parish Council will be held on Monday 27th June 2022 at Tibberton Parish Hall.
The next ordinary meeting of Tibberton Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5th July 2022 at Tibberton Parish Hall.
Members of the public and press were cordially invited to be present at the above meeting
Members unanimously resolved (MR/SP) that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, the public and press would be excluded pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The reason being matters related to the grievance raised by the Clerk.
Chairman, 5th July 2022