ACM 10th May 2022
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on the 10th May 2022
ACM 1 Election of Chairman and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
M. Doolin nominated M. Rowley who was willing to serve in this office. There were no other nominations. The proposal was seconded by R. Grimer, and M. Rowley was elected as the Council’s Chairman for the Municipal Year. M. Rowley affirmed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office, witnessed by S. Pearson.
ACM 2 Election of Vice Chairman
M. Rowley requested nominations and suggested M. Doolin. C. Hartwright suggested R. Grimer. M. Rowley proposed M. Doolin be elected as Vice Chairman, the proposal was seconded by R. Grimer. Cllrs Doolin, Grimer and Rowley all registered a vote in support of M. Doolin as vice-chairman; Cllrs Hartwright, Holding and Pearson did not register a vote. There were 6 Cllrs present at the meeting therefore there was not an overall majority in support of the election of M. Doolin to the position of Vice Chairman. M. Rowley used her casting vote as Chairman in support of M. Doolin who was thereby elected as the Council’s Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year.
ACM 3 Attendance
Present: S. Pearson (SP); C Hartwright (CH); R. Grimer (RG): E. Holding (EH); M. Rowley (MR); M. Doolin
Apologies: M. Leci (ML); West Mercia Police
In Attendance: J. Hill (Clerk)
ACM 4 Declarations of Interest
a. Declaration of Interests: there were none.
b. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda: there were none.
c. Declaration of Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda: there were none.
ACM 5 There were no written requests for the Council to grant a dispensation under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
Members were reminded that failure to register or declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest may result the commission of a criminal offence.
ACM 6 Representation on Outside Bodies
Tibberton Parish Council’s representatives on the outside bodies listed below are:
a) Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr Leci
b) Community Speed Watch – Cllr Rowley
c) Tibberton Community Land Trust – Cllr Grimer
d) Tibberton Parish Hall – Cllr Doolin
e) County Association of Local Councils – Cllr Rowley
ACM 7 Date of Next Meeting
The date of the 2023 Annual Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council to be confirmed during May 2023.
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Chairman – 7th June 2022
May 2022
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on
Tuesday 10th May 2022
Democratic Period: Members of the public present. One of the matters raised was in relation to Tibberton Parish hall which resulted in the Chairman informing the Clerk and Council that she would contact the PC’s legal representative and ‘sort the matter’ herself. The Clerk reminded the Chairman that it was not within any Councillors remit to act as representative to the Council. The Clerk informed Council that the matter had been pending for many months, the delay being solely due to Tibberton Parish Hall and the Parochial Church Council. Council was reminded that it had only approved requesting legal advice re the draft deed at its April 2022 meeting and the Easter break had interrupted business since then. The Clerk further stated that she had already arranged to phone the legal representative the following day.
1. Attendance
Present: Chairman, M. Rowley (MR); C Hartwright (CH); E. Holding (EH); S. Pearson (SP); R. Grimer (RG);
M Doolin (MD)
Apologies: M. Leci (ML); West Mercia Police; County Councillor M. Baylis
In Attendance: J. Hill (Clerk)
2. Declarations of Interest
Declaration of Interests: none
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda: none
Declaration of Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda: none
3. There were no written requests for the Council to grant a dispensation under Section 33 of the Localism
Act 2011.
4. Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th April 2022 were not available. The Clerk explained that she had alerted Council at the April meeting of the busy end of year period and had asked for clarity as to the tasks to be given priority; these were identified as obtaining legal advice re the draft deed in relation to Tibberton Parish Hall and the end of year tasks. Those tasks had been completed within the Clerk’s contracted hours. The Clerk intended to work additional hours in order to complete the minutes but unfortunately was unwell during her own time the previous week, the then Chairman had been notified that the draft minutes would not be presented for consideration at the meeting.
Cllr Doolin suggested that if he had been informed, he could have arranged for one of his employees to type the meeting notes up; the Clerk replied that it was unlikely they would read her notes. Cllr Rowley stated it was unfortunate that the Clerk had not thought to record the April meeting, as then anyone would have been able to type up the minutes. The Clerk reminded Cllr Rowley and Council that the Parish Council did not have a policy to cover the PC recording meetings and therefore Council was not able to record meetings.
Cllr Doolin proceeded to question the Clerk as to why work had not been completed, commenting upon the job description and employment hours. Cllr Pearson reminded Cllr Doolin that the Clerk was an employee of Council and it was not appropriate to discuss staffing matters in public. Cllr Doolin responded that it was appropriate, as residents paid the Clerk and she therefore needed to be publicly accountable.
5. Address to Council by Cllr Doolin
See published Address, to be recorded as an addendum to the Minutes.
6. Report from Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Councillor
No report had been received.
7. Report from Margaret Rowley, Wychavon District Councillor
See published report, to be recorded as an addendum to the Minutes.
8. Reports by Councillors
To receive the reports of Committees and Working Groups and of Councillors representing the Council on outside bodies:
a) Neighbourhood Watch: SP informed Members that due to his many commitments M. Leci had agreed to act as the representative in future; it was intended to formalise the Neighbourhood Watch role in the village
b) Community Speed Watch: MR informed Members that the group had held 8 sessions; 2039 vehicles had been monitored with 255 vehicles exceeding the speed limit and 36 reported as speeding, with the highest speed recorded being 49mph
c) Tibberton Community Land Trust: RG reminded Council re the position with the draft lease of the new village hall that it was awaiting resolution of Tibberton Parish Hall legal matters
d) County Association of Local Councils: MR stated that the Wychavon Area Committee would meet on 9th June 2022 and would receive a presentation on planning related matters.
May 2022
9. Report from the local police officer
Members noted the report that Police Officers had recently met with Tibberton Community Speed Watch.
10. Renewal of Insurance
a) Members noted the Clerk’s report in relation to Insurance companies withdrawing from the Parish Council sector and a late notification which meant that the Parish Council would be exposed to risk and which the Clerk had resolved as an urgent matter, agreeing cover until after the May meeting with the insurance broker.
b) Proposal: Members unanimously resolved (SP/EH) to accept the offer of insurance from Hiscox for the next 12 months and to complete a direct debit mandate for the same. Cllrs Holding and Pearson to sign the bank mandate.
11. Membership of Worcester County Association of Local Councils
Proposal: Members unanimously resolved (MR/SP) to renew Tibberton Parish Council’s membership and to approve payment of the annual subscription.
12. Planning a) Members noted RG’s feedback re the meeting with Mactaggart and Mickel, who are proposing to develop housing in the village; see published report, to be recorded as an addendum to the Minutes
A member of the public suggested that Tibberton should complete a Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Rowley stated that was a very good idea and as time was of the essence, she would submit the required paperwork immediately. The Clerk informed Council that such an action would not be lawful as the matter had not been discussed in Council, no proposal had been included on an agenda and no Cllr, including the Chairman, was lawfully able to take, or action, decisions on behalf of Council. Cllr Rowley stated that nonetheless she would submit the paperwork
b) Application Number: W/22/00854/HP Location: 7 Hillside, Plough Road, Tibberton, Droitwich Spa, WR9 7NL Description of Proposal: Proposed single storey front porch and wc extension Applicant: E Milner. Members resolved (EH/MD) to support the application.
13. Highways and Byways
To receive reports of highways (roads & pavements) & byways (bridleways and footpaths) matters from Members, Parish Paths Warden, and the Clerk
a) Lengthsman: Clerk to request the Lengthsman clears the mud off the pavement by the telephone kiosk
b) Public Rights of Way: RG Members noted that there were 2 broken stiles which had been reported as had concern about the PRoW by Ravenshill which exits onto the highway.
14. Correspondence and other matters for consideration and information
Members noted that the Clerk had raised a grievance during the meeting; noting also that since the Council did not have a grievance procedure said that grievance needed to be managed under ACAS regulations.
15. Items for inclusion on a future agenda
Grievance; new bank account; website; telephone kiosk; regulatory documentation review; white gates.
16. Date of Next Meeting
The next ordinary meeting of Tibberton Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 7th June 2022 at Tibberton Parish Hall.
Tentative dates for the 2023 Annual Parish Meeting – 24th, 25th or 26th May 2023.
Chairman, 7th June 2022