February 2022
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st February 2022
Democratic Period: Members of the public present.
Please note: all agenda items, except those requiring a formal resolution by vote, were determined using delegated powers during the virtual online meeting. Matters requiring a formal vote were resolved at the physical meeting at 20.28 hours in the car park outside the Plough Road Parish Hall (minute items 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 16).
1. Attendance (virtual and physical meetings)
Present: S. Pearson (SP), Chairman; E. Holding (EH); C Hartwright (CH); M. Leci (ML) M. Rowley (MR); M Doolin (MD)
Apologies: R. Grimer (RG); West Mercia Police; CCllr M. Bayliss
In Attendance: J. Hill (Clerk)
2. New Member, uncontested election
Michael Doolin attended the meeting and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed to the Council by the Chairman. (virtual and physical meetings)
3. Declarations of Interest (virtual and physical meetings)
Declaration of Interests: none
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda: none
Declaration of Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda: none
4. There were no written requests for the Council to grant a dispensation under Section 33 of the Localism
Act 2011. (virtual and physical meetings)
5. Chairman’s Report (virtual meeting)
Members noted the Chairman’s report.
6. Clerk’s Report (virtual meeting)
Members noted the Clerk’s report.
7. Minutes (virtual and physical meetings)
Members resolved (SP/EH) to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on 7th December 2021.
8. Report from West Mercia Police (virtual meeting)
Members noted the apologies received.
9. Report from Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Councillor (virtual meeting)
Members noted the apologies received and noted with thanks the generous offer to fund the white gates from his County Councillor Divisional Fund.
10. Report from Margaret Rowley, Wychavon District Councillor (virtual meeting)
Members noted District Cllr Rowley’s report on the district boundary review.
11. Planning (virtual meeting using delegated powers)
Application: 21/02830/Ful, The Bridge, Plough Road, Tibberton. WR9 7NQ
Application: 21/02782/HP, 28 Hawthorn Rise, Tibberton WR9 7NU
Members noted that no comments had been received in relation to either of the above.
12. Highways and Byways (virtual meeting using delegated powers)
Representing residents EH expressed concern about the regular parking of vehicles at the junction of Foredraught Lane and Plough Road which obstructed other traffic and a clear view of the highway.
13. Banking Arrangements (virtual meeting)
Members noted ML’s report and after discussion it was decided ML would seek more detailed information on bank charges and the registration process for setting up a new account. Deferred to the March meeting.
14. Website (virtual meeting)
Council noted Cllr Grimer’s report with regard to the options available for a TPC website. Cllrs sought additional information so deferred consideration to the March meeting as Cllr Grimer was not present at the current meeting.
February 2022
15. Telephone Box (virtual meeting)
Following discussion MR was nominated to explore potential uses for the adopted telephone box and identify associated maintenance requirements and report back to the March meeting.
16. Date of Next Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council
Tuesday 1st March 2022, Covid regulations permitting.
Members of the public and press were cordially invited to be present at the above meeting
Chairman, 1st March 2022