
Minutes: Ordinary meeting 1st March 2022

Minutes Uploaded on December 29, 2022

March 2022
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st March 2022
Democratic Period: Members of the public present.
Please note: all agenda items, except those requiring a formal resolution by vote, were determined using delegated powers (in response to instructions from Councillors) during the virtual online meeting. Matters requiring a formal vote were resolved at the physical meeting in the car park outside the Plough Road Parish Hall (minute items 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11 and 12). The Physical meeting commenced at 10.08pm.
1. Attendance (virtual and physical meetings)
Present: S. Pearson (SP), Chairman; R. Grimer (RG); E. Holding (EH); M. Leci (ML) M. Rowley (MR); M Doolin (MD)
Apologies: C Hartwright (CH); West Mercia Police; CCllr M. Bayliss
In Attendance: J. Hill (Clerk)
2. Declarations of Interest (virtual and physical meetings)
Declaration of Interests: none
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda: none
Declaration of Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda: none
3. There were no written requests for the Council to grant a dispensation under Section 33 of the Localism
Act 2011. (virtual and physical meetings)
4. Chairman’s Report (virtual meeting)
Members noted the Chairman’s report.
5. Clerk’s Report (virtual meeting)
Members noted the Clerk’s report.
6. Address to Council by Cllr Holding (virtual meeting)
Summary: Cllr Holding challenged Council that it was failing to support the Chairman and Clerk in response to reputational attacks and failing to make it clear that any actions taken were in response to the wishes of Council reached by majority decision. Perceived inaction was actually outside the control of either the Chair or the Clerk but was instead due to third parties over which neither the Chairman, Clerk , or Council had any control (full address to be appended to the Minutes).
7. Minutes (virtual and physical meetings)
Members resolved (SP/EH), subject to amendment of Minute 15 to read MR not ML, to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on 1st February 2022.
8. Report from West Mercia Police (virtual meeting)
Members noted the apology received.
9. Report from Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Councillor (virtual meeting)
Members noted the apology received.
10. Report from Margaret Rowley, Wychavon District Councillor (virtual meeting)
Members noted District Cllr Rowley’s report that WDC had adopted the revised LGA Code of Conduct and had approved a zero increase in council tax.
11. Proposal
Tibberton Parish Council resolved (MD/MR) to cease to hold hybrid meetings, future meetings to be held solely at a physical location. Arrangements to be put in place to allow all those who are vulnerable, or who have expressed a wish to attend virtually, can attend each meeting remotely. (virtual and physical meetings)
12. Proposal
Tibberton Parish Council resolved (MR/MD) that the delegation of authority assigned to the Clerk at the Annual Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council on 4th May 2021, being no longer required, shall cease with immediate effect (Minute ACM6). (virtual and physical meetings)
March 2022
13. Implementation and actioning of practical matters needing resolution allowing for the determination of agenda items 11 and 12 above
• Agenda Item 11: Members to investigate meeting venue; MR School; RG Parish Hall; MD Crowle Village Hall
• Agenda Item 12: Members to investigate accessibility and connectivity for suggested venues. (virtual meeting as no proposal needed to be resolved)
14. Planning
Members noted that no planning applications referred by Wychavon District Council and Worcestershire County Council had been received between the publishing of the agenda and this meeting. (virtual and physical meetings)
15. Highways and Byways
There were no reports of highways (roads & pavements) & byways (bridleways and footpaths) matters and to decide on appropriate action by the Council relative thereto. (virtual meeting as no proposal needed to be resolved)
16. Banking Arrangements
Consideration of this matter had been deferred from the 1st February 2022 meeting to allow more time for Cllr Leci to research alternative banking provision for the parish council. ML informed Councillors that there was not a huge saving, allowing for the work and effort to set up a new account. ML to find out additional information and investigate completing the application forms; matter re-deferred to the 5th April meeting. (virtual meeting as no proposal needed to be resolved)
17. Website
Deferred from the 1st February 2022 meeting as Members wished to benefit from the recommendations of Cllr Grimer who was not present at the February meeting. RG and MD to consider further Tibberton Parish Council’s website options and to determine a way forward if Council so deems. A proposal for Council’s consideration to be submitted by RG to the 5th April meeting. (virtual meeting as no proposal needed to be resolved)
18. Phone Box
To receive the report of Cllr Rowley who was exploring potential uses for the adopted telephone box and identifying associated maintenance requirements. There was not enough information for Council to determine a way forward for upkeep and day-to-day care of the phone box. MR to submit a risk assessment; information regarding insurance provision; and submit specific proposals to the 5th April meeting. (virtual meeting as no proposal needed to be resolved)
19. Platinum Jubilee Event
MR had been consulting with the Jubilee Planning Group. MR to arrange for provision of a list of items so that TPC could consider granting funding. The Clerk reminded Council that they did not have a power to provide monies to a group of residents per see, but that they did have a power to support recreational events which were run under the auspices of organisations such as Tibberton Parish Hall and Tibberton Community Land Trust. MR to discuss funding constraints with the Jubilee Planning Group and recommend they linked with one of the two organisations shown above. (virtual meeting as no proposal needed to be resolved)
20. Date of Next Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council
Tuesday 5th April 2022, Covid regulations permitting. If proposals re a venue for future meetings were received before the end of March the Chairman stated he would be happy to call an extra ordinary meeting to determine which venue Council wished to use for its April meeting. (virtual and physical meetings)
Members of the public and press were cordially invited to be present at the above meeting
Members resolved (SP/EH) In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, the public and press will be excluded pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The reason being: requested by the Clerk and discussed with the Chairman.
21. The minute note of this agenda item, by virtue of its content being related to concerns raised by an employee, will remain confidential and will be appended to the Council’s minutes in the minute book.
Chairman, 5th April 2022