The parish council is required to publish information in the format provided by the External Auditor, PKF-Littlejohn LLP. This document is known as the Annual Governance and Accountability Return, or AGAR, and is available to download in pdf format only.
Following a review of the council’s accounts in Jan-Mar 2023, as notified to the External Auditor, the 2020/21 AGAR should state:
AGAR 2020/21 | 31/03/2020 | 31/03/2021 |
1. Balances brought forward | 200,126 | 80,155 |
2. (+) Precept | 36,509 | 36,509 |
3. (+) Total other receipts | 822,997 | 3,318 |
4. (-) Staff costs | 8,182 | 5,518 |
5. (-) Loan interest / capital repayments | 7,050 | 13,979 |
6. (-) All other payments | 964,245 | 46,163 |
7. (=) Balances carried forward | 80,155 | 54,322 |
8. Total value of cash and short term investments | 80,155 | 54,322 |
9. Total fixed assets plus long term investments and assets | 859,921 | 899,397 |
10. Total borrowings | 297,000 | 291,000 |