The parish council is required to publish information in the format provided by the External Auditor, PKF-Littlejohn LLP. This document is known as the Annual Governance and Accountability Return, or AGAR, and is available to download in pdf format only.
The form attached is not complete; the failure to submit the necessary information to the external auditor for review was the reason for the External Auditor’s statutory recommendation in November 2020 and publication of a public interest report in March 2021 both of which are included in the attached pdf.
Subsequently, the council’s accounts were reviewed by an independent accountant in February 2023 and although there were some anomalies relating to the format of the accounts which should be maintained in ‘receipts and payments’ style rather than ‘income and expenditure’, it was found that basically the council’s financial situation is sound.
The 2019/20 AGAR was revised in March 2023 and should be as follows:
AGAR 2019/20 | 31/03/2019 | 31/03/2020 |
1. Balances brought forward | 173,054 | 200,126 |
2. (+) Precept | 36,509 | 36,509 |
3. (+) Total other receipts | 16,219 | 822,997 |
4. (-) Staff costs | 6,739 | 8,182 |
5. (-) Loan interest / capital repayments | – | 7,050 |
6. (-) All other payments | 18,917 | 964,245 |
7. (=) Balances carried forward | 200,126 | 80,155 |
8. Total value of cash and short term investments | 200,126 | 80,155 |
9. Total fixed assets plus long term investments and assets | 4,816 | 859,921 |
10. Total borrowings | – | 297,000 |