
Agenda for Annual Council Meeting 16th May 2023, 7.30pm

Agendas Uploaded on May 9, 2023

The agenda for the first meeting of the newly elected council is also available to download here as a pdf. The reports referred to will be added over the next few days.


The annual meeting of Tibberton Parish Council

will take place on Tuesday 16th May 2023 starting at 7.30pm

at Tibberton Parish Hall, Plough Road, WR9 7NQ

The meeting is open to members of the public who are welcome to address the council at agenda item 7 (public forum) at which point comments and questions may be put to the Parish Council regarding this agenda or for future consideration. Individual speaking time may be restricted at the discretion of the chairman. No further representations may be made at any other time in this meeting unless invited.


Tibberton Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to attend this meeting for the purpose of transacting the business detailed below and on the following pages.

Signed:         G Lungley                                                             Date: 9th May 2023
Acting Clerk/Support Officer                                                  updated 11th May 2023.


 1. Election of Chairman and their declaration of acceptance of office.

2. To record completion of all members’ declaration of acceptance of office forms.

 3. To receive apologies from absent members.

 4. Declarations of Interest.

Members are reminded that to ensure transparency and retain public confidence in the council’s decisions they are required to –

    • Keep their Register of Interests form up to date, and
    • Declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI), any Other Registerable Interests (ORI) and any Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) relating to items on the agenda and the nature of those interests.

5.  To consider written requests from councillors seeking a dispensation.

Having declared an interest in any agenda item councillors may only stay in the meeting when that item is discussed if the council permits dispensation to a) stay, or b) stay and speak, or c) stay, speak and vote. When granting a dispensation members should bear in mind the possibility of adverse public perception and likely harm that may accrue from the particular interest that has been declared. Having been granted a dispensation it is up to the individual councillor to decide whether to remain or leave the meeting. Written requests for the granting of a dispensation must be made to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.

6. Election of vice-Chairman.

7. Public Forum

    • An opportunity for parish residents to raise matters of interest or concern relating to this agenda or for future meetings.
    • County and District Councillors and community representatives are invited to present their report.

8. To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the council meeting held 26th April 2023, to be signed as a true record by the Chairman. (Attached pp3 – 5)

9. To receive the minutes of the inquorate Finance Committee meeting of 04/04/2023; pp 6-10.

The following 14 items, detailed in the attached report, are annual arrangements:

  1. To review delegation arrangements to committees, if any, staff and other local authorities. a. To agree Terms of Reference for delegation arrangements.                                                      b. To appoint members to committees and Chairman of such if applicable.
  2. Review and adoption of appropriate Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
  3. Review of arrangements with other local authorities (Lengthsman scheme with Worcs County Council) and not-for-profit bodies (Tibberton Community Land Trust; (old) Tibberton Village Hall).
  4. Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back.
  5. Eligibility to exercise the General Power of Competence in the future.
  6. Review of inventory of land and other assets including buildings and office equipment.
  7. Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks.
  8. Review of the council’s and staff subscriptions to other bodies.
  9. Review of the council’s complaints procedure.
  10. Review of the council’s policies, procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under freedom of information and data protection legislation.
  11. Review of the council’s policy for dealing with the press/media.
  12. Review of the council’s employment policies and procedures.
  13. Review of the council’s expenditure incurred under s.137 of the Local Government Act 1972.
  14. Determining the time and place of ordinary meetings of the council up to and including the next annual meeting of the council.

 24. FINANCE: report attached.

a. To note the bank reconciliation to 9th May 2023.

b. To note the budget comparison to 9th May 2023.

c. To approve payments, as below.

Invoice ref Payee Reason for payment Gross amount £.p VAT re-claimable
-0025 E-ON Next Village Hall energy, March 223.98 10.67
LCO02863 BHIB Annual insurance cover 1,536.81 0.00
24-TIB04 Mrs G Lungley Admin support services, April 1,197.00 0.00
-0026 E-ON Next Village Hall energy, April 192.49 9.17
9143 WorcsCALC Annual subscription, inc NALC 465.94 70.76
WO0144 PKF-Littlejohn External Audit 2021-22 2,157.00 359.50

 d. To agree changes to the bank mandate, to include addition of all new council members and removal of ex-council members.

e. To receive the External Auditor’s report to the 2021/22 accounts.

f. To note the 2022/23 accounts have been approved for publication by the council; the Internal Auditor’s report is awaited.


a. To note and comment on planning consultations received from the Planning Authority:

Application Number W/23/00888/FUL    and    Associated Ref: 21/02434/FUL
Location: The Croft, Plough Road, Tibberton, Worcestershire, WR9 7NJ
Description of Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and replacement with a new dwelling and car port (Variation to Condition 2 Ref.: 21/02434/FUL)

To replace ‘surface water soakaway’ with attenuation tanks.

b. To note decisions to previous consultations, if any.

26. FORWARD PLANNING / ACTION PLAN, detail to follow.

 27. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Tibberton Parish Council is to be decided.

The Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 23rd May 2023.