
Minutes: Extraordinary meeting 28th November 2022

Minutes Uploaded on December 29, 2022

Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on
Monday 28th November 2022
1. Attendance
Present: M. Rowley (MR)(Chair); E. Holding (EH); M. Leci (ML); M Doolin (MD); D. Nutting (DN)
Apologies: J. Hill (Clerk), C Hartwright (CH); R. Grimer (RG);
2. Declarations of Interest
Declaration of Interests: none
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda: none
Declaration of Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda: none
3. There were no written requests for the Council to Grant a Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011).
4. Auditor Statutory Recommendation
“The smaller authority should submit the approved Annual Governance & Accountability Return or Certificate of Exemption (if appropriate) for the year ended 31st March 2020 for our review within 7 days of the public meeting required as a result of this recommendation”.
Outcome: following receipt of the statutory recommendation and the public interest report, Tibberton Parish Council submitted the 2019-20 AGAR at the same time as the 31 March 2021 AGAR.
Proposal: Tibberton Parish Council has taken note of the recommendation.
Proposed: D Nutting, Seconded: E Holding, Agreed unanimously
5. Auditor – Public Interest Report
“We issued a statutory recommendation to the authority on 27 November 2020 that it should submit an approved AGAR or Certificate of Exemption (if appropriate) within 42 days of that letter.
As of 31 March 2021 no such return has been submitted to us. As a result, Tibberton Parish Council has failed in its statutory duties to account to its taxpayers for the use and safeguarding of their money.
We have now exhausted all options open to us to obtain an AGAR, and therefore have no option but to move towards certifying completion and bringing to an end our responsibilities as auditor for the year ended 31 March 2020. We have taken this decision reluctantly, as once completion is certified, public rights (such as the rights to inspect the accounting records and associated documents and to ask questions or make objections to the auditor) can no longer be exercised”.
Outcome: following receipt of the statutory recommendation and the public interest report Tibberton Parish Council submitted the 2019-20 AGAR at the same time as the 31 March 2021 AGAR.
Proposal: Tibberton Parish Council has taken note of the content of the Public Interest Report.
Proposed: E Holding, Seconded: M Leci, Agreed unanimously
Proposal: Tibberton Parish Council resolves to ensure that they implement adequate end of year procedures to ensure a similar event does not happen in future.
Proposed: D Nutting, Seconded: M Doolin, Agreed unanimously
6. Proposal: To approve the Minutes of this Meeting dated 28th November 2022.
Proposed: D Nutting, Seconded: E Holding, Agreed unanimously
Chairman, 28th November 2022