Agreed at council meeting held 20th June 2023
Terms of reference: To consist of four council members; to review council objectives, committee remit and any budget requirements at first meeting before ratification by full council, to include delegation to decide on the council’s behalf:
i.i. The lease agreement with TCLT for the new village hall.
i.ii the appointment of the new clerk (staff) and Lengthsman (contractor).
i.iii Review of the current year’s budget and develop the budget for next three years.
i.iv Review of the scheme of delegation to the clerk and committees.
i.v Review the internal audit report for 2022/23 financial year and financial processes.
i.vi Review the council’s policies.
i.vii Review the assets of the council and village.
Committee members as at June 2023:
· Robbie Hazlehurst (Committee Chairman)
· Trevor Knight
· Liz Morton
· Helen Savage
Number, time and place of meetings: To be agreed; possibly every other month.
Notice requirements: Standing Order 3c ie three clear days’ notice unless convened at shorter notice.
Quorum: No fewer than three members must be present at any meeting.
Reporting back arrangements: Draft minutes to next meeting of full council with verbal report.
Will members of the public be allowed to speak: Yes, during open forum.
Terms of reference: To consist of four council members plus (number to be confirmed) non-council members who will be subject to the council’s Code of Conduct and interests register, and unable to vote; to review objectives, committee remit and any budget requirements at first meeting before ratification by full council, to include delegation to decide on the council’s behalf:
ii.i the development of a Communications Strategy for the PC and, working with the Clerk to the Council, to oversee responsibility for the content and upkeep of the website and other communication channels designed to develop, maintain and support good working relationships with all organisations and groups working for the benefit of the village.
Committee members as at June 2023
· Sarah Harfield (Committee Chairman)
· Trevor Knight
· Margaret Rowley
· June Woodland
Additional non-councillor members to be agreed in due course.
Number, time and place of meetings: To be agreed; possibly every other month.
Notice requirements: Standing Order 3c ie three clear days’ notice unless convened at shorter notice.
Quorum: No fewer than three members must be present at any meeting.
Reporting back arrangements: Draft minutes to next meeting of full council with verbal report.
Will members of the public be allowed to speak: Yes, during open forum.
WORKING PARTIES / SUB-GROUPS may meet at anytime, anywhere. Notice of the meetings does not have to be published and the meetings will not be clerked or minuted.
Reporting back procedures are for the Chairman of the working party or sub-group to either provide a written report, or provide a verbal report, or both to the next meeting of the full parish council. No working party or sub-group has a budget or makes decisions that would impact on the council’s finances. All meetings’ members must abide by the council’s Code of Conduct.
- Neighbourhood Plan Working Party (initial phase)
Terms of reference: To consist of a minimum of three council members plus (number to be confirmed) non-council members to work towards the completion of a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish. To initially consider whether to enter into partnership working with neighbouring parishes in order to identify the Designated Neighbourhood Area. This working party will evolve into a separate body responsible for the Neighbourhood Plan answerable to the parish council and subject to local council procedures to include clear decision-making procedures and transparency.
· Sarah Harfield
· Robbie Hazlehurst
· Margaret Rowley
+ other interested residents to be appointed in due course.
2. Strategic Planning Working Party
Terms of reference: To consist of a minimum of three council members plus (number to be confirmed) non-council members who will be subject to the council’s Code of Conduct and interests register. The working party is to review key planning applications in respect of the village and to prepare comments and objections as necessary. No voting rights to any working party member as no decisions are to be made. Separate delegation is to be given to the Clerk to respond, if necessary, to planning consultations following working party recommendations.
· Liz Morton
· Helen Savage
· June Woodland
+ other interested residents to be appointed in due course.
3. Events Sub-Group
Two council members – Cllr Sarah Harfield and Cllr Liz Morton – to work in partnership with the Tibberton Events Group and report back as and when appropriate. No decision-making authority or voting requirements.
Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr June Woodland.
Speed watch: Cllr Margaret Rowley.
Community Land Trust: awaiting review.
New Village Hall Management Committee: Cllr Sarah Harfield.
Tibberton Parish Hall: Cllr Trevor Knight.
Parish Footpath Officer: Rob Grimer to continue in role.
Worcestershire County Association of Local Councils (WorcsCALC): Cllr Margaret Rowley and Cllr Robbie Hazlehurst.