
Agenda: Ordinary Meeting 1st March 2022

Agendas Uploaded on December 29, 2022

21st February 2022
Notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 1st March 2022 at
19:30 hours. The meeting will be a hybrid meeting whereby items which can be actioned under delegated powers, and
reports, will be presented for Members’ consideration during the virtual/online section of the meeting, via Microsoft
Teams. The physical meeting on the car park will be held 30 minutes after the virtual meeting finishes whereby Members will
register their votes re proposals on the agenda in person.
The business of the meeting under consideration is set out in the agenda below. All Members of Council have been summoned to attend the hybrid meeting.
Yours faithfully, J Hill Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Council has determined to conduct its business in this manner due to the need to protect members of the public and participants during the coronavirus crisis. The requirements for ensuring public safety are not something which either the National Association of Local Councils or Tibberton Parish Council consider practical or achievable – hence a hybrid
meeting, utilising delegated powers, to which all can safely contribute.
Democratic Period: Persons who wish to attend the meeting, or to address Council in the democratic period, should email the Clerk at the address above so that virtual access arrangements can be put in place. Please include your name and confirm whether you are just seeking to ‘observe’ the meeting OR whether you wish to address the Council during the Democratic Period. If you wish to address the Council, please state which agenda topic you wish to speak about. Please note that Council will only be seeking to discuss matters which fall within the remit of the agenda below and the Chairman will limit the number of people contributing about the same topic so all issues of interest can be raised.
A virtual meeting can descend into difficulties if more than one person attempts to speak at a time, so for that reason the Chairman will invite those named persons who have expressed a wish to address Council to speak in turn. Members of the public are not permitted to interrupt other participants during democratic period; neither are they permitted to speak during the meeting.
Those persons who are not Parish Councillors, or not invited by the Chairman to speak, are required to mute their
microphone and turn off their camera for the duration of the meeting. This will allow everyone to observe the meeting without
distraction and focus on the business being undertaken by Parish Councillors and those invited to contribute by the Chairman.
Otherwise, a very busy screen and background noise will impact on other attendees.
N.B. Please note that broadband and telephone charges incurred by you when accessing the meeting are subject to those
charges levied by your service provider.
Invitations to attend this meeting will be sent out prior to the meeting. Please notify the Clerk of your intention to attend
and/or wish to address the Council by 12 noon on Monday 28th February 2022 so that an invitation to attend can be issued.
*General Data Protection Regulations require any individual recording a meeting to inform the meeting at the start for the
benefit of other members of the public who might not wish to feature on the recording.
Democratic Period: will take place before the formal meeting commences.
1 To Consider any Apologies for Absence (virtual and physical meetings)
2 Early notification of Declarations of Interest for the meeting (virtual and physical meetings)
a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests
b. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
c. To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Councillors who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or an Other Disclosable Interest, which falls with the
terms of paragraph 12(4)(b) of the Code of Conduct and who have not been granted a Dispensation, must leave the
meeting for the relevant items. Failure to register or declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest may result in the commission of a criminal offence.
3 Submission of Written Requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a Dispensation (S33 of the
Localism Act 2011). Written requests for the granting of a dispensation to be made to the Clerk in advance of the
meeting. (virtual and physical meetings)
4 Chairman’s Report (virtual meeting)
5 Clerk’s Report (virtual meeting)
6 Address to Council by Cllr Holding (virtual and physical meetings)
7 Minutes
Proposal: to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on 1st February 2022.
(virtual and physical meetings)
8 To receive a report from West Mercia Police (virtual meeting)
9 To receive a report from Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Councillor (virtual meeting)
10 To receive a report from Margaret Rowley, Wychavon District Councillor (virtual meeting)
11 Proposal: Tibberton Parish Council to cease to hold hybrid meetings, future meetings to be held solely at a physical location. Arrangements to be put in place to allow all those who are vulnerable to attend each meeting remotely.
(virtual and physical meetings)
12 Proposal: the delegation of authority assigned to the Clerk at the Annual Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council on 4th
May 2021, being no longer required, shall cease with immediate effect (Minute ACM6). (virtual and physical meetings)
13 Implementation and actioning of practical matters needing resolution allowing for the determination of agenda items 11 and 12 above
 Agenda Item 11 (virtual and physical meetings)
 Agenda Item 12 (virtual and physical meetings)
14 Planning
To consider planning applications referred by Wychavon District Council and Worcestershire County Council
received between the publishing of the agenda and this meeting. (virtual and physical meetings)
15 Highways and Byways
To receive reports of highways (roads & pavements) & byways (bridleways and footpaths) matters and to decide on
appropriate action by the Council relative thereto. (virtual and physical meetings)
16 Banking Arrangements
Deferred from the 1st February 2022 agenda to allow more time for Cllr Leci to research alternative banking provision
for the parish council. To determine a way forward if Council so deems. (ML) (virtual and physical meetings)
17 Website
Deferred from the 1st February 2022 agenda as Members wished to benefit from the recommendations of Cllr Grimer
who was not present at the February meeting. To consider Tibberton Parish Council website options and to determine a way forward if Council so deems. (RG) (virtual and physical meetings)
18 Phone Box
To receive the report of Cllr Rowley who it was agreed would explore potential uses for the adopted telephone box and identify associated maintenance requirements. To determine a way forward if Council so deems. (MR) (virtual and physical meeting)
19 Platinum Jubilee Event
To consider plans put forward by village organisations and to receive requests for Tibberton Parish Council to financially support specified items. (virtual and physical meetings)
20 Date of Next Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council
Tuesday 5th April 2022.
Members of the public and press are cordially invited to be present
at the above meeting
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, the public and press will be excluded pursuant
to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The reason being: requested by the Clerk and discussed with
the Chairman.