
Minutes: Ordinary Meeting 5th April 2022

Minutes Uploaded on December 29, 2022

April 2022
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on
Tuesday 5th April 2022
Democratic Period: Members of the public present.
1. Attendance
Present: Chairman, S. Pearson (SP); C Hartwright (CH); E. Holding (EH); M. Rowley (MR)
Apologies: R. Grimer (RG); M. Leci (ML); M Doolin (MD); West Mercia Police
In Attendance: J. Hill (Clerk); County Councillor M. Baylis
2. Declarations of Interest
Declaration of Interests: none
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda: none
Declaration of Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda: none
3. There were no written requests for the Council to grant a dispensation under Section 33 of the Localism
Act 2011.
4. Minutes
Members resolved (SP/EH) to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st March 2022.
Members resolved (SP/CH) to approve the minutes of the Extra-Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 29th March 2022.
5. Address to Council by Cllr Doolin
To be deferred to the May meeting as Cllr Doolin was not present at the meeting.
6. Report from Marc Baylis, Worcestershire County Councillor
The Chairman welcomed Cllr Baylis to the meeting and thanked Cllr Baylis for his offer to fund white gates for the village from his divisional fund and for his suggestion that he could fund a second VAS for the village. Members noted that following a review of the Pershore Pyramid, WCC were planning to build a new spill over high school by Worcester Royal Hospital.
7. Report from Margaret Rowley, Wychavon District Councillor
See published report, to be recorded as an addendum to the Minutes
8. Reports by Councillors
To receive the reports of Committees and Working Groups and of Councillors representing the Council on outside bodies:
a) Neighbourhood Watch: SP informed Members of a recent incident of rural crime including the theft of a trailer
b) Community Speed Watch: 8 sessions, 126 vehicles speeding which equated to 2.5% of the total amount of traffic surveyed; top speed logged was 49mph
c) Tibberton Community Land Trust: no update
d) County Association of Local Councils: no new matters.
9. Report from the local police officer
Members noted the apologies received.
10. Planning
Proposal: Members resolved (EH/MR) that the Parish Council wished to attend a virtual, pre-public consultation meeting with Mactaggart and Mickel, who are proposing to develop land at Plough Meadow. Clerk to liaise with the developer’s agent to identify possible meeting dates. Members noted that part of Plough Meadow had been identified as a site for 26 houses in the South Worcestershire Development Plan review, however the developers were looking to increase the number of properties. Wychavon Planning Department were carrying out a technical assessment.
11. Highways and Byways
Members noted the Clerk’s report that the Lengthsman had reported an incident of fly tipping on the Oddingley Road.
April 2022
Members unanimously resolved (SP/EH) to suspend Standing Orders for this item to permit members of the public to obtain clarity about item 12.
12. Legal Advice
Proposal: Tibberton Parish Council resolved (SP/EH) that power should be delegated to the Clerk in relation to matters relating to Tibberton Parish Hall, the Diocesan Registrar, and the Parochial Parish Council. That delegated power to include instructing the Parish Council’s legal advisor which would include incurring fees for professional advice.
Standing Orders were reinstated.
13. Telephone Kiosk
a) Proposal: Members resolved (CH/EH) to approve the amended risk assessment
b) Proposal: Members resolved (CH/EH) that a volunteer register be created, updated by the volunteer group and passed to the Parish Council so that appropriate insurance administration can be maintained (name, address, telephone, declaration of any health issues, if any, which could reasonably be said to impact on fitness to carry out volunteer task)
c) Proposal: Members resolved (EH/CH) that Tibberton Parish Council should be informed, in advance, of any maintenance task being carried out on the fabric of the telephone kiosk.
14. Platinum Jubilee a) Proposal: Members resolved (SP/CH) to award a sum of £500 to Tibberton Jubilee Planning Group. The monies to be made payable to the parent organisation Tibberton Community Land Trust b) Proposal: Members resolved (CH/MR) that Tibberton Parish Council support an application by Tibberton Jubilee Planning Group to be granted the £100 allocated to the Parish by Wychavon District Council (designated to be used towards events and activities in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee) c) Proposal: Members resolved (SP/CH) that Cllr Rowley as a member of Tibberton Jubilee Planning Group should complete and submit the form on behalf of the group (the application form shows that a Cllr may complete the application – subject to Parish Council approval).
15. Correspondence and other matters for consideration and information
There were no additional matters.
16. Items for inclusion on a future agenda
New bank account; website; white gates.
17. Date of Next Meeting
The Annual Council Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council and the Ordinary meeting of Tibberton Parish Council to be held on 10th May 2022 at Tibberton Parish Hall.
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, Members resolved (SP/EH) that the public and press be excluded pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The reason being related to an employment issue to be raised by the Clerk.
Confidential Minute (not for publication)
18. Prioritisation of workload
The Clerk explained that April/May was always a pinch point in relation to her contracted hours and the number of tasks which fell around the end of the municipal and financial year. She alerted Council of her concerns and requested clarity as to those tasks to be given priority, warning that depending on how matters progressed it might not be possible to complete the April minutes in time for approval at the May meeting.
Council noted that while it was preferable that minutes should be approved within a calendar month, Tibberton Parish Council did not qualify as a smaller authority and therefore the Smaller Authority Audit Regulations re provision of minutes did not apply to Tibberton PC.
Members resolved (SP/EH) that priority should be accorded to obtaining legal advice re the draft deed in relation to Tibberton Parish Hall and the end of year tasks.
Members resolved (EH/MR) that Tibberton Parish Council should continue using the services of the internal auditor who had fulfilled that task since 2016.
Chairman, 7th June 2022