
Minutes: Extraordinary meeting 21st December 2022

Minutes Uploaded on December 29, 2022




Council Members present:  Cllr M Rowley, Chairman; Cllr R Grimer, Cllr C Hartwright, Cllr E Holding, Cllr D Nutting.

Council Members absent:    Cllr M Doolin, vice-Chairman; Cllr M Leci.

In attendance:                        Gill Lungley, Acting Clerk/Support Officer; Eight members of the public

  1. Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed all to this extra meeting and included the Acting Clerk in the welcome.

  1. To receive and note apologies for absence

Apologies had been received from Cllr M Leci and from Cllr M Doolin.

  1. Declarations of interest.

No member declared any of disclosable pecuniary, or other registerable, or non-registerable interest in the agenda items.

  1. Written requests for dispensation.

No requests for dispensation had been received.

  1. Public forum.

No member of the public put forward any issues.

  1. To resolve to appoint an acting clerk / support officer on a temporary basis until the appointment of a permanent clerk.

It was resolved to appoint Gill Lungley to the position of Acting Clerk / Support Officer on a temporary basis until the appointment of a permanent clerk. The terms of engagement were agreed.

This completed the meeting as advertised. However various other matters were discussed to aid the Acting Clerk’s workflow; they are minuted below for information.

Other matters discussed: 

  1. Preparation for the 2023/24 budget. Information relating to comparisons between the current year’s receipts and payments and those of previous years was circulated to members to help with deciding the budget for 2023/24 at the next council meeting. 
  2. Appointment of independent audit to review accounts. The Acting Clerk asked for clarification relating to the work to be undertaken. The type of work was exempted from the requirement to obtain three quotes and the appointed accountant would be contacted forthwith. 
  3. Position relating to External Audit. It was believed that the External Auditor had not yet completed the audit process and enquiries would need to be made to ascertain the current position.
  4. New website. Members were asked to provide a short biography and photo to add to the new website which is work-in-progress.
  5. Village Hall lease negotiations. Several queries had arisen following a review of the lease with Tibberton Community Land Trust; Cllr R Grimer is to contact the Village Halls Adviser at Community First for advice. This matter is to be added to the agenda for the next council meeting.
  6. Change of address. A letter advising of the new address to which to direct bank statements is to be signed by Cllrs M Rowley and C Hartwright; statements are to be directed to the Chairman’s address for the time being.
  7. South Worcestershire Development Plan Review (SWDPR). The deadline for submissions has been put back to 23/12/2022. Cllr M Rowley has prepared a submission, which has been emailed to all members and agreed by round-robin. A further matter was discussed, and Cllr M Rowley will amend the initial document before forwarding to the Acting Clerk to submit before the consultation ends.
  8. Pothole on Plough Road, opposite drive to Old House Farm. The Acting Clerk would report the danger via the county council’s report hub and at the same time notify the County Councillor of the severity of this road hazard.

 The meeting was closed at 8.15pm.

The next meeting is to be held on Thursday 12th January 2023.