Tibberton Parish Council adopted the updated Code of Conduct at their meeting held on 11th October 2022. This code is the same as that adopted by the principal authority, Wychavon District Council and is available to download in pdf format. The code sets out the basic rules of behaviour expected of parish councillors and explains the different types of interest that must be declared when members take on the role of councillor and during meetings.
A copy of each member’s entry to the Members’ Register of Interests is available both on this website under the councillors’ tab and on the Wychavon District Council website, here.
All members are required to comply with the code which accords to the Seven Principles of Public Life (the Nolan Principles). Transgressions of the code are managed by Wychavon District Council. If anyone wishes to complain about a councillor’s conduct, they are asked to follow the guidance provided by Wychavon District Council, which is to complete the Members Complaint Form – documentDownload Members Complaint Form (47 KB) and submit to:
Meesha Patel
Wychavon District Council
Civic Centre
Queen Elizabeth Drive
WR10 1PT