Everyone is invited to attend this extraordinary parish council meeting on Tuesday 13th June to start at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. The reason for this meeting is to discuss the appeal hearing to the proposals on land to the east of Plough Road, off Evelench Lane to build up to 100 new homes. Please take this opportunity to say what you think about the application and hear about the steps that can be taken to share your opinion.
More information about the application is shown in the agenda below and on the attached pdf.
- Chairman’s welcome and explanation for calling this meeting.
- To receive apologies from absent members.
- Declarations of Interest
Members are reminded that to ensure transparency and retain public confidence in the council’s decisions they are required to –
- Keep their Register of Interests form up to date, and
- Declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI), any Other Registerable Interests (ORI) and any Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) relating to items on the agenda and the nature of those interests.
- To consider written requests from councillors seeking a dispensation. Having declared an interest in any agenda item councillors may only stay in the meeting when that item is discussed if the council permits dispensation to a) stay, or b) stay and speak, or c) stay, speak and vote. When granting a dispensation members should bear in mind the possibility of adverse public perception and likely harm that may accrue from the particular interest that has been declared. Having been granted a dispensation it is up to the individual councillor to decide whether to remain or leave the meeting. Written requests for the granting of a dispensation must be made to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.
- Public Forum. See notice above.
- To consider the council’s and the community’s response to the appeal by the applicant wishing to develop land off Evelench Lane.
Original proposal: Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access for a development of up to 100 dwellings (Use Class C3), green infrastructure, car parking, drainage works, and other associated infrastructure works.
The original planning application, planning authority reference W-22-01565-OUT, was not determined by the planning authority (Wychavon District Council) within the allotted statutory time frame. The applicant therefore has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate for a decision to now be made outside of the planning authority’s decision-making process.
The plans and associated documents for the original planning application may be seen online here: Planning application: W/22/01565/OUT – Wychavon District Council
Documents associated with the appeal may be seen online here: Planning application: W/22/01565/OUT – Wychavon District Council and clicking the ‘Appeal’ tab.
Comments to the Planning Inspectorate must be submitted by 15th June 2023. NB Wychavon DC’s planning pages state 29/06/2023 whereas the Planning Inspectorate states 15/06/2023 – hence the earlier date to ensure PI compliance.
Comments can be made online to the Planning Inspectorate via this online link:
Reference: APP/H1840/W/23/3320041 (planninginspectorate.gov.uk)
- To note date and time of next parish council meeting: Tuesday 20th June 7.30pm