An Extraordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 21st December 2022 starting at 7.30pm at Tibberton Parish Hall
The meeting is open to members of the public who are welcome to address the council at agenda item 5 (public forum). Comments and questions may be put to the Parish Council with regard to this agenda or for future consideration. Individual speaking time may be restricted at the discretion of the chairman. No further representations may be made at any other time in this meeting unless invited.
Tibberton Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to attend this Extraordinary Meeting of the Council at Tibberton Parish Hall for the purpose of transacting the business detailed below.
Signed: M Rowley Date: 16th December 2022
pp Cllr Margaret Rowley, Chairman, Tibberton Parish Council
- Chairman’s welcome.
- To receive and note apologies for absence.
- Declarations of Interest
Members are reminded that to ensure transparency and retain public confidence in the council’s decisions they are required to –
- Keep their Register of Interests form up to date
- Declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI), any Other Registrable Interests (ORI) and any Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) relating to items on the agenda and the nature of those interests.
- To Consider Written Requests from councillors who have declared in interest at item 3 for the council to grant a dispensation to allow them to stay in the meeting / and speak / and vote. Written requests for grant of dispensation are to be delivered to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.
- Public Forum Opportunity for members of the public to speak on matters relating to the agenda or raise items for consideration at future meetings.
- To resolve to appoint an acting clerk / support officer on a temporary basis until the appointment of a permanent clerk.