
Agenda: Annual Council Meeting Tuesday 10th May 2022

Agendas Uploaded on December 29, 2022

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 at 19:30 hours in Tibberton Parish Hall when the business set out in the agenda below will be transacted. You are respectfully summoned to attend the meeting.
Yours faithfully J Hill, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Democratic Period: An opportunity for parish residents to raise matters of interest or concern with the Parish Council. The structure of this session will be subject to the discretion of the Chairman.
• Members of the public who would prefer to attend remotely via Microsoft Teams to email the Clerk (email address above) by 12 noon on Monday 9th May 2022; a meeting invite will then be emailed in due course.
• Members of the public who attend the meeting in person are advised of the need to follow current advice re Covid precautions provided by HM Government.
1) Election of Chairman and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
2) Election of Vice Chairman
3) To Consider any Apologies for Absence
4) Declarations of Interest
a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests
b. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
c. To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Councillors who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or an Other Disclosable Interest, which falls with the terms of paragraph 12(4)(b) of the Code of Conduct and who have not been granted a Dispensation, must leave the room for the relevant items. Failure to register or declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest may result in the commission of a criminal offence.
5) Representation on Outside Bodies
a) Neighbourhood Watch
b) Community Speed Watch
c) Tibberton Community Land Trust
d) Tibberton Parish Hall
e) County Association of Local Councils.
6) Date of Next Meeting
The date of the 2023 Annual Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council to be confirmed during May 2023.
Members of the public and press are cordially invited to be present at the above meeting

Notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 at 19:30 hours in Tibberton Parish Hall when the business set out in the agenda below will be transacted. The Ordinary Meeting will be preceded by the Annual Council Meeting. You are respectfully summoned to attend both meetings.
Yours faithfully J Hill, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Democratic Period: An opportunity for parish residents to raise matters of interest or concern with the Parish Council. The structure of this session will be subject to the discretion of the Chairman.
• Members of the public who would prefer to attend remotely via Microsoft Teams to email the Clerk (email address above) by 12 noon on Monday 9th May 2022; a meeting invite will then be emailed in due course.
• Members of the public who attend the meeting in person are advised of the need to follow current advice re Covid precautions provided by HM Government.
1 To Consider any Apologies for Absence
2 Declarations of Interest
a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests
b. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
c. To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Councillors who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or an Other Disclosable Interest, which falls with the terms of paragraph 12(4)(b) of the Code of Conduct and who have not been granted a Dispensation, must leave the room for the relevant items.
Failure to register or declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest may result in the commission of a criminal offence.
3 To Consider Written Requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011). Written requests for the granting of a dispensation to be made to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.
4 Minutes of Previous Meetings of the Council
To consider the formal adoption of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tibberton Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th April 2022.
5 Address to Council by Cllr Doolin
6 To receive the report of the County Councillor – For Information
7 To receive the report of the District Councillor – For Information
8 Reports by Councillors
To receive the reports of Committees and Working Groups and of Councillors representing the Council on outside bodies, to ask relevant questions, and to decide on appropriate action
a) Neighbourhood Watch (SP)
b) Community Speed Watch (MR)
c) Tibberton Community Land Trust (RG)
d) County Association of Local Councils (MR).
9 Report from the local police officer – For Information
10 Renewal of Insurance
a) To receive an update from the Clerk
b) i) Proposal: to accept the offer of insurance from Hiscox for the next 12 months and to complete a direct debit mandate for the same OR
ii) Proposal: to accept the interim offer of insurance from Hiscox whilst endeavouring to find alternative suitable cover.
11 Membership of Worcester County Association of Local Councils
Proposal: to renew Tibberton Parish Council’s membership and to approve payment of the annual subscription.
12 Planning

a) Feedback re the meeting with Mactaggart and Mickel, who are proposing to develop housing in the village
b) Application Number: W/22/00854/HP Location: 7 Hillside, Plough Road, Tibberton, Droitwich Spa, WR9 7NL Description of Proposal: Proposed single storey front porch and wc extension Applicant: E Milner.
13 Highways and Byways
To receive reports of highways (roads & pavements) & byways (bridleways and footpaths) matters from Members, Parish Paths Warden, and the Clerk
a) Lengthsman
b) Public Rights of Way (RG).
14 Correspondence and other matters for consideration and information
To receive for information only items received between publication of this agenda and the meeting.
15 Items for inclusion on a future agenda
To report and request items for inclusion on future agenda; to have regard to items raised in public session.
16 Date of Next Meeting
The next ordinary meeting of Tibberton Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 7th June 2022 at Tibberton Parish Hall.
The Chairman to agree a date and time for the Annual Parish Meeting.
Members of the public and press are cordially invited to be present at the above meeting